
Mika - Any Other World
超好聽的一首歌!   是最近聽到的...我有他整張專輯!真的會聽到欲罷不能喔!!
本來想自己放...不過危險!! 所以還是轉載youtube好了...


皇后合唱團主唱Freddie Mercury聲調再現

2007英國樂壇最受矚目歌手,BBC Sound十大閃耀頭號推薦新星


歡愉暢意主打<Grace Kelly>蟬聯英國金榜七週冠軍

嘿!別誤會,Mika可不是來自日本的歌手或團體,他是能讓你一聽上癮,享受快樂聽音樂的終極目標。才華出眾且極度瘋狂的Mika,邀請你共赴他精心調配出的華麗音樂奇想世界,2007開春英國樂壇最受矚目歌手,BBC Sound十大閃耀頭號推薦新星Mika,即將霸佔你的CD Player,讓你Repeat千遍也不厭倦。

父親為美國人,出生於母親祖國黎巴嫩首都貝魯特,本名Michael Holbrook Penniman的Mika,從小因為身處戰亂動盪的國家,隨後遷至巴黎躲避不時存在的喪命危機,九歲舉家定居倫敦,才有了安全的庇護。從小鍾愛音樂的Mika,雖然過著顛沛流離的生活,但音樂就像守護神般撫慰著他驚恐的心靈;開始著手創作的Mika,將音樂編織出一篇篇動人故事,讓自己走入虛幻美麗情節,不會因為從小環境影響,而創作出灰暗、深沉甚至高聲吶喊的慘綠內容,反以更為鮮明、有趣、可愛、亮麗等音符取代。求學期間受到皇家音樂學院的專業訓練,讓Mika對於錄音、編曲等技術有更為精進的概念與技能。2006年在BBC Radio 1發表首支單曲<Relax (Take It Easy)>,受到駐台DJ Scott Mills推崇為「當週最佳唱片」,首張專輯也在環球唱片簽下後,成為旗下全力打造的秘密武器。

Mika終於貢獻出各界引頸企盼的首張專輯《Life In Cartoon Motion》,請到加拿大籍橫跨各界的製作高手Greg Wells(Carole King、Rufus Wainwright、Pink、Jewel)全程掌控,甫發行即空降英國金榜冠軍+愛爾蘭季軍+法國TOP6+世界榜TOP7。首支單曲<Grace Kelly>勇奪英國金榜七週冠軍,愉快暢意氣流充滿其中,Mika的音頻猶如皇后合唱團主唱Freddie Mercury聲調再現;接著蓄勢待發的<Lollipop>,可愛卡通式調調,甜甜暖意散發如萬花筒般快樂音符;以鋼琴輕盈彈奏撩起無壓情緒,中板快意之<My Interpretation>,猶如走在初春大街上享受迎面吹來和煦微風的自在,不在乎身旁發生的任何事物;再次陷入Queen樂團編製幻境的<Love Today>,高潮起伏的托出層次鮮明骨架,如新浪潮時期跳躍的電子顆粒散射其中,預期將成為強力攻勢大作;讓Mika成名的關鍵作品<Relax (Take It Easy)>,同時取樣英國搖滾團Cutting Crew於1986年創下美國雙週冠軍之<(I Just) Died In Your Arms>,登上法國+波蘭排行冠軍,在未發行單曲的情況下,僅靠著網路下載,英國也進入TOP67位置;以簡單琴韻加弦樂組合而成的<Any Other World>、福音式的優美之歌<Happy Ending>,都是耐人聆聽的抒情推薦佳作。

試聽: Any Other World

In any other world
You could tell the difference
And let it all unfurl
Into broken remnants

Smile like you mean it
And let yourself let go

Cos it's all in the hands of a bitter, bitter man
Say goodbye to the world you thought you lived in
Take a bow, play the part of a lonely lonely heart
Say goodbye to the world you thought you lived in
To the world you thought you lived in

I tried to live alone
But lonely is so lonely, alone
So human as I am
I had to give up my defences

So I smiled and tried to mean it
To let myself let go

Cos it's all in the hands of a bitter, bitter man
Say goodbye to the world you thought you lived in
Take a bow, play the part of a lonely lonely heart
Say goodbye to the world you thought you lived in
To the world you thought you lived in

Cos it's all in the hands of a bitter, bitter man
Say goodbye to the world you thought you lived in
Take a bow, play the part of a lonely lonely heart
Say goodbye to the world you thought you lived in
To the world you thought you lived in

Say goodbye to the world you thought you lived in [ x2 ]
Say goodbye

In any other world
You could tell the difference

[ Spoken ]
"I never ever, I forget my story.
My face is not sad, but inside, I am sad."

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